Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I commented on Mary post 9

I commented on Chevyluvs112 post 8

I commented on Jo Ann's post 7

I commented on Laslo post 6

9 Changes in my Understanding

Taking this class has given me a better scope on the range of what one can do with technology in regards to advertising, movies, communication, etc.... Overall this class has not been in vain for me. I will defiantly use photoshop and movie maker in the near future. I have had a lot of fun with the project's. I now understand some of the tricks that the media uses.

8 using video professionally

I could use a presentation similar to the one that I created in a Professional since. Professionally I would create a presentation that would show all of my work in regards to Corporate Training in workforce development. In order for me to do something like this my resume would have to be spectacular!

I commented on Shenanigans blog

I commented on Shenanigans blog

Monday, March 5, 2007

7 video I plan to make

The Video I plan to make is supppost to be comical. The Woman in the Video is coming back from living with another family and she is very upset that the other family was not Christians. So this woman comes back to her on family and basically screams at them for not lifting her up in prayer on a daily basis. She even tell the camara crew to "Get the Hell out of My House in Jesus Name I Pray!" so instead of me leaving that audio feed of her anger in the video, I plan to change the feel of the video making it seem like the reason that she is upset is because of the fact that they did not feed her the food that she did not want!

6 creating my video

In creating my video I had a hard time trying to decide what it was that I wanted to do. I was on the web and one of my friends sent me a video of a crazy woman who is called (the God warrior) to look at, I thought this woman was very out of control. After watching it several time's I decided that I would use it for my Project. I have decided to work by myself on this project because my schedule is so busy with going to school, working, Organizations, checking on grandparents, doing homework, etc...... I did not want to get involved with another person risking our relationship as partners. What I have decided to do with this video is take the audio feed out and record my on audio feed with my voice over the video. Using my voice as the ladies voice.

5 Contemporary Literacy and Learning

In today's society the majority of the world operates through technology. This operation consist of advertising, email, marketing, communication, learning etc..... In the fact that alot of buisness is conducted through technology graphic design and page layout plays a big role in regards to contemporary literacy and learning. I believe for one to be very sucessful in the buisness world of advertising or marketing a product one must know how to properly design a page that will be appropriate and also have a good page layout!

Monday, February 26, 2007

4 Newsletter

I would use a newsletter for corporate news and information. It would be a quarterly newsletter. I also would use a newsletter in regards to the choir that I direct to give the members updates on qurterly engagments, activities, and new information.

3 Image Editing

I would use image editing professionally by using it in my field to create engaging images that i would use in a training session's.

Myspace Layouts
I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net, check out these Myspace Layouts!

2 Photoshop

So far my experience with photoshop has been interesting. I really like working with photoshop because one can do a lot with a photo, the possibilities are endless. A lot of my Idea's with different pic's in photoshop are from people that i know. I just wanted to change how the original pic looked and add different element to the picture. What i find interesting about photoshop is everything. I now understand how people can take different images and add them to a totally different picture. Some day I would like to a point that i will be a master of photoshop.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

1 About Me

My Name is Herbert Smith II and I am a senior at The Ohio State University majoring in Corporate Training. Some of my intrest are of course obtaining a good education, Music, Leadership, and just having fun in life. At my church I worked in the media department as a Visual and Audio tech. while in this position I learned that simply running a camera for a broadcast in not just standing their and capturing a picture. It is a art there are so many elements in broadcast such as the position, lighting, texture, etc.....I would really like to broaden my knowledge in Multimedia to use in the future.